Carnation flower

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Carnation (dianthus caryophyllus) flower

One of the important cut flowers in the world, the essential oil of Carnation flower is only available in absolute form. Used mainly in perfumery, it imparts a sweet, delicate and sensuous floral aroma that induces euphoria, thus giving it an aphrodisiac quality. In aromatherapy, it is used in massages which calms the emotions and balances the mind and soul.

  1. Scent impression – a delicate, soft, sweet and smooth, honey-floral bouquet with a green and woody undertone that has a long dry off. It is faintly romantic and sensual.
  2. Scent impact – 100
  3. Scent life – 52 hrs
  4. Scent category – Floral / Herbaceous / Woody
  5. Perfume note – Middle
  6. Perfume function – Modifier
  7. Average amount in perfume composition – 2%
  8. Suggestions for usage in natural perfumery – musk / wood bases, spice accords, forest / incense notes, floral essences especially rose, lily, narcissus, jonquil, sweet cassie, white ginger lily and honeysuckle, literary / oriental perfumes.
  9. Blending suggestions – agarwood eo & co₂, allspice eo, co₂ & abs, ambrette seed eo, co₂ & abs, amyris eo, aniseed eo, basil (sweet) eo & abs, bay (west indies) leaf, beeswax abs, benzoin eo & abs, bergamot eo, birch (sweet) eo, bois de rose eo, cajeput eo, caraway eo & co₂, carrot seed eo & co₂, cassia bark eo & co₂, cassie (sweet) abs, chamomile eo & abs, champa (white) flower eo & co₂, cinnamon leaf eo, clary sage eo & abs, clove bud eo, co₂ & abs, coriander seed eo & co₂, cyclamen eo & abs, cypriol/nagarmotha eo & co₂, elder flower abs, fir (balsam) needle abs, geranium eo & abs, ginger eo, co₂ & abs, guaiacwood eo, hay abs, henna co₂, hops co₂, jasmine co₂ & abs, juniper berry eo, co₂ & abs, labdanum eo & abs, lavender eo, co₂ & abs, lemon eo, lime eo, linden blossom co₂ & abs, lovage leaf eo, mace eo & co₂, mandarin eo, mastic eo & abs, mimosa abs, neroli eo, orange blossom abs, orris root eo, co₂ & abs, osmanthus abs, palmarosa eo, pepper (black) eo, co₂ & abs, peru balsam eo & abs, rose eo, co₂ & abs, sage eo & abs, sandalwood eo, co₂ & abs, tonka bean abs, vanilla co₂ & abs, verbena (lemon) eo & abs, vetiver eo, co₂ & abs, violet leat abs, wintergreen eo, ylang ylang eo, co₂ & abs.

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