Cedar moss

image source: ipernity.com

Cedar moss (evernia furfuracea)

Similar to the more well-known oakmoss, cedar moss or tree moss has a slightly different scent profile. It is available only in the absolute form and is used mostly for perfumery. Known to cause sensitisation in individuals, adhere to the recommended dilution rate of 0.1% when creating perfumes.

  1. Scent impression – A masculine, heavy, dry, mossy, earthy, herbaceous bouquet with a deep, green, forest-floor-and-seaweed-like undertone. It has good tenacity.
  2. Scent impact – 135
  3. Scent life – 24 hrs
  4. Scent category – Earthy / Herbaceous
  5. Perfume note – Base
  6. Perfume function – Modifier / Fixative
  7. Average amount used in perfume composition – 0.1%
  8. Suggestions for natural perfumery – in natural perfumery it is used in herbal bouquets, forest/green notes, chypre, fougère, eau de Cologne, historical perfumes.
  9. Blending suggestions – agarwood eo & co₂, allspice eo, co₂ & abs, ambrette seed eo, co₂ & abs, amyris eo, angelica eo & co₂, armoise eo, benzoin eo & abs, bergamot eo, birch (sweet) eo, boronia abs, carnation abs, carrot seed eo & co₂, cassia bark eo & co₂, cedarwood eo & abs, cedar (western red) leaf eo, chamomile (roman) eo & abs, champa (white) flower eo, champa (white) leaf eo, cinnamon eo & co₂, clary sage eo & abs, clove bud eo, co₂ & abs, coriander seed eo, co₂ & abs, costus root eo & co₂, cypress eo & abs, davana eo & co₂, eaglewood eo, elder flower abs, fir eo & abs, hay abs, flouve abs, geranium (egypt) eo & abs, guaiacwood eo, hiba eo, hinoki eo, juniper berry eo, co₂ & abs, labdanum eo & abs, lantana eo, laurel leaf eo & abs, lavandin (abrialis) eo & abs, lavender eo, co₂ & abs, lemon eo, lime eo, lovage eo, mandarin eo, marjoram (sweet) eo & abs, mastic eo & abs, mimosa abs, myrrh eo, co₂ & abs, neroli eo, nutmeg eo, co₂ & abs, oakmoss abs, opoponax eo & abs, oregano eo & abs, orange blossom abs, orris root eo, co₂ & abs, parsley seed eo & co₂, patchouli eo, co₂ & abs, petitgrain eo, pine eo & abs, rose eo, co₂ & abs, rosemary eo & co₂, sandalwood eo, co₂ & abs, seaweed abs, spikenard eo & co₂, spruce eo & abs, styrax abs, tangerine eo, thuja eo, tolu balsam abs, tonka bean abs, vanilla co₂ & abs, tuberose abs, valerian root eo, vanilla co₂ & abs, vetiver eo, co₂ & abs, violet leat abs, yarrow eo & abs, ylang ylang eo, co₂ & abs.

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