Sunday, January 31, 2016

get your geek on

Few people love animals the way my friend Patrick does. Patrick & I share several things in common. Not only do we both love animals of all kinds, we also enjoy baking. I love making cookies while he loves making cakes. And, let me tell you, what wonderful cakes he makes! Lucky for me, I get to sample whatever le gateaux du jour that he might be experimenting or perfecting, which, honestly, I find them all to be equally delicious.

Another thing we both share in common is what I might call our inner geek. He’s a scientist while I an ex-science teacher. We both enjoy discussing and arguing the finer, rather geeky details of phenomena around us. Lately, however, Patrick’s been troubled at work and a little careworn from office politics. So, I made something for him to ease his mind and lift his spirits while he’s unwinding in the shower.

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