Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Aromatherapy & Meditation (Part Two)

Whether the purpose of the meditation is to:

Embark on a journey to the inner depths of your being. To dive into a boundless sea of otherworldly calm, free from worldly distractions, discovering truth that lies within; or

Break through the confinements of the physical realm. To project your consciousness to the far reaches of the universe, free from the shackles of desires, discovering truth that lies beyond; or

Extend your spirit into the surroundings. To embrace and unify, free from inhibitions and prejudices, finding truth and harmony in everything and nothing.

Aromatherapy can help you transcend from samsara1 to nirvana2 by opening doorways to perception or pathways to enlightenment.

Essential Oils For Spiritual Cleansing

While most of us know the logic behind choosing the right spot for meditation, not all of us are aware that there is such a thing called negative energy in the surrounding space. Ancient priests and priestesses from all cultures and religions burned resins and oils for their aromatic scents once considered sacred and divine as they were believed to attract angels while banishing evil spirits.

Negative energies disturb the peace and harmony in our surrounding and hinder us from being able to focus and think clearly. Fortunately, they can be easily dissipated by burning incense, scented candles or essential oil diffusers.

The Essences

  • Atlas Cedarwood - used as a physical, mental, and emotional purifier, it helps to remove blockages, fears, and toxins while stabilising and grounding the spirit
  • Basil - held sacred in almost all Western cultures and known for its protective
  • Cypress - purifies and uplifts surrounding energies making one feel secure and grounded
  • Frankincense - removes negative influences in the body, aura, psychic and the environment
  • Juniper berry - purifies the negative energies in a surrounding and also emanating from human beings
  • Lavender - traditionally used to neutralise bad frequencies during cleansing rituals, it clears out energies that refuse to leave
  • Myrrh - not only purifies the environment but also increases the potency of other oils
  • Peppermint - its powerful astringent action removes tension and negative vibes
  • Sage - neutralises existing negativity and makes a psychic shield against tensions

Other essential oils to consider: Mysore Sandalwood, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Virginian Cedarwood.

Essential Oils For Spiritual Awakening

The concept of spiritual awakening or spiritual enlightenment is hard to define as it is an intrinsic, personal experience that is rich and complex defying language and logic. At best, the experience may be compared to a deep understanding of the workings of the universe as a result of the complete dissolution of the Self and Ego.
Essential oils help you to focus while stimulating your spiritual senses, opening doorways or pathways to spiritual awakening.

The Essences

  • Frankincense - believed to stimulate the pituitary gland enabling greater spiritual connection during prayer and meditation
  • Sandalwood - it clears negative energies, creates inner calm, peace and well-being and prepares one to be more receptive towards spiritual knowledge and understanding
  • Spikenard - helps to release fears both spiritually as well as emotionally, and encourages forgiveness, courage, calm and balance
  • Palo santo - also known as the holy wood, it cleanses as well as helps to establish a deeper connection between consciousness and spirituality
  • Helichrysum - it has been called the "catalyst to spiritual growth", the essence of this flower not only heals the heart but also opens it to mystical empowerment

Other essential oils to consider: Angelica Seed, Black Pepper, Chamomile and Jasmine.

Essential Oils For Spiritual Healing

All of us experience pain and suffering. The combination of aromatherapy and meditation, or prayer to the more religiously inclined, is a powerful way to spiritual healing.
"Spiritual healing is not the avoidance or banishment of pain and suffering but the mastery within pain and suffering to know and feel in your heart the sacred gifts of peace, joy, beauty and love." - Donnie Yance

The Essences

  • White Camphor - regarded as the guardian of rebirth and spiritual protector, it clears timidity and fortifies the spirit while healing and liberating it
  • Himalayan Cedarwood - it heals, protects and purifies bringing balance, restoration, regeneration and rebirth as it encourages and helps to bring dreams to reality
  • Clary Sage - often called the oil of inner wisdom, it balances, calms and restores the spirit in times of uncertainty and suffering, promoting contentment and self-love
  • Eucalyptus - it brings emotional balance and has the unique ability to awaken the spirit, helping it to draw from its healing powers to heal itself
  • Rose Otto - having the highest vibrational frequency, it is known as the Queen of Essential Oils and is exceptionally healing in times of emotional grief bringing unconditional love, comfort and harmony
  • Rosemary - it heals the spirit by reminding us of who and what we are and it helps us recognise that we have a conscious mind, a subconscious mind and a superconscious mind and that we are always spiritual beings

Other essential oils to consider: Carnation, Fennel, Palmarosa and Scots Pine.

Fuss-Free Ways To Enhance Meditation

Using essential oils for meditation should be easy and straightforward. In fact, as I have mentioned in Aromatherapy & Meditation (Part One), engaging in meditation ought to be natural and fuss-free. Furthermore, the scents of the essential oils used should not be overbearing – using a 1% dilution will suffice.

  1. Diffusion - simply diffuse the aroma into the surrounding before the meditation exercise;
  2. Direct inhalation - make a 1% dilution with a carrier oil and add one to two drops to the palms of your hands and inhale as you cup your nose;
  3. Take a bath - consider creating a cleansing routine by adding a few drops of essential oils to a tub of warm water and enjoy a relaxing soak for ten to twenty minutes;
  4. Anointment - dab your chakra points or pulse points before meditation using a 1% dilution of the chosen essential oil

The effect of essential oils on spiritual development is profound. If you have been sceptical about the efficacy of essential oils, there is no better way to put them to the test than during meditation. Try it and experience the true wonders of essential oils.

1samsara the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound. 
2nirvana the transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self and the subject is released from the effects of karma and samsara. It represents the ultimate goal of Buddhism.

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