Saturday, April 16, 2016

Essential Oils & The Chakras

The Chi or Chakras

While we are familiar with the science behind how the human body gets its energy from food, not everyone understands the inner workings of the powers that govern the mind, body and spirit thereby bringing about good health and wellness.

Known as Chi loosely translated to mean energy flow in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Chakras or wheels of energies in ancient Ayurvedic Medicine, these energies interact and influence one another in a cyclical manner. Secondly, they are fundamentally responsible for our vitality and longevity.

The Chakra System

In Ayurvedic Medicine, a chakra represents a concentration of energy in the human body. The seven different chakras corresponding with seven specific locations in, on and around the body and are known as the:

Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra

Each chakra governs a unique physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state. The key to perfect health, therefore, is maintaining a perfect balance among all of them. Creating balance between mind body and spirit is not always as easy as it seems. However, it is not unattainable; all it takes is conscientious effort, focus and practice. Moreover, several pathways are available, catering to your personal preferences to help you find chakra balance: yoga, meditation, sound therapy, sensory therapy, colour therapy and crystal therapy.

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra, or Muladhara in Sanskrit, helps you establish a life-nourishing bond with the natural world while mitigating the dehumanising, harmful and alienating effects brought about by the frantic pace of modern living. It is located in the spine and associated with the Earth element and the colour Red.

The essential oils that support the healthy functioning of the Root Chakra are:

Nutmeg or Mace

Vivarana Foot Massage Oil

In Sanskrit, Vivarana means the act of uncovering, laying bare or opening. Created especially for yoga practitioners and dancers, massage Vivarana on the reflex points or the entire foot to soothe tired, aching feet. This warm, spicy-earthy blend of essential oils revitalises and leaves you feeling balanced and grounded.


Gandhi's Root
Sweet Basil
Sweet Birch
Baobab Seed Oil

Bhumikatva Diffuser Blend

Bhumikatva is the Sanskrit word for "the Earth" which is the inspiration behind this diffuser blend. Bhumikatva is a sweet, tangy, earthy-spicy blend of essential oils that realigns your Root Chakra with the natural world as it supports and nourishes the spirit.


Mace / Nutmeg

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra, or Swadhisthana in Sanskrit, awakens the healthy and natural sensual desires within us while minimising the reliance on artificial substitutes for pleasures. Located in the abdomen, the Sacral Chakra associates with the Water element and the colour Orange.

The essential oils that support the healthy functioning of the Sacral Chakra are:

Texas Cedarwood

Amrita Sea Salt Bath

This exotic and highly fragrant bath salt is formulated to awaken the sensual self. In Sanskrit, Amrita means potion of immortality. Add a cup of Amrita sea salt into a tub of warm water and soak for approximately 20 minutes. Chances are, you won't even want to leave the tub!


White Champaca Flower
Blood Orange
Texas Cedarwood
Dead Sea Salt

Aksha Diffuser Blend

Aksha is a blend that will fill the space with a warmth that is both inviting and exotic. In Sanskrit, Aksha means sensual perception, the soul or religious knowledge. This blend is created to awaken the Aksha or the mind to receive higher knowledge.


Petitgrain Mandarin
Cinnamon Leaf

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura in Sanskrit, invigorates healthy metabolism in the human body thereby minimising the stagnating effects of laziness or inertia. It is located midway between the navel and the base of the sternum, the solar plexus. It associates with the Fire element and the colour Yellow.

The essential oils that support the healthy functioning of the Solar Plexus Chakra are:

Balsam Fir

Vishvaasah Anointing Oil

Vishvaasah means confidence in Sanskrit. This essential oil blend activates and awakens your inner stability and confidence. Dab Vishvaasah behind the ears, on the solar plexus, or use it as an after-shower body oil.


Black Spruce
Atlas Cedarwood
Jojoba Oil

Paridhih Diffuser Blend

In Sanskrit, Paridhih means fortress. This wonderfully uplifting blend enhances spiritual strength without overpowering the senses. Diffuse Paridhih into the space to activate as well as protect the Solar Plexus Chakra.


Balsam Fir
Ocean Pine
Clary Sage

Heart Chakra

In Sanskrit, the Heart Chakra is called Anahata. This chakra helps activate your emotional centre to foster energy circulation, the expression of love, empathy and compassion while it dispels feelings of callousness and anger. The Heart Chakra resides in the middle of the chest. It associates with the Air element and the colour Green.

The essential oils that support the healthy functioning of the Heart Chakra are:

Rose Otto / Rose Absolute
Tea Tree

Adhiyajña Bath/Body Oil

Adhiyajña, in Sanskrit it means the SuperSoul – the plenary expansion of the divine Being in the heart of every living being. This blend of essential oils invokes the divine Being to spiritually heal and restore the Heart Chakra. Add Adhiyajña to a tub of warm water, soak and engage with your emotions by allowing your Heart Chakra to embrace whatever that may surface. Alternatively, apply Adhiyajña as an after-shower body oil to enjoy its maximum benefits.


Rose Geranium
Jojoba Oil

Dhayaa Body Mist

Dhayaa, meaning compassion in Sanskrit, is a harmonious combination of leaf, flower and fruit essences. It is a perfectly balanced blend that nourishes and reinforces your Heart Chakra. Mist, yourself and the surrounding air with Dhayaa, to foster an accepting and compassionate heart.


White Champaca Leaf
Rose Otto
Rosemary Hydrosol

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha in Sanskrit, inspires and encourages calm, clear and eloquent speech or song while minimising self-consciousness and timidity. Located in the throat or base of the neck, it associates with the Sound (Music) element and the colour Blue.

The essential oils that support the healthy functioning of the Throat Chakra are:

Roman Chamomile

Chittasuddhi Bath/Body Oil

In Sanskrit, Chittasuddhi means the cleansing of the Inner Being. This deeply soothing, beautiful blend of essential oils cleanses and purifies your soul and leaves you revitalised and ready to take on new challenges. Use Chittasuddhi either as a bath oil or an after-shower body oil.


Roman Chamomile
Jojoba Oil

Pavrita Diffuser Blend

Pavitra, in Sanskrit, means purification. Pavitra purifies the space and repares the mind, body and soul for spiritual enlightenment; it fills the atmosphere with inspiration as it gently dispels self-consciousness and promotes self-expression.


Roman Chamomile

Third-Eye Chakra

The Third-Eye Chakra, or Ajna in Sanskrit, inspires spiritual visualisation and fosters deeper understanding while minimising the cloudiness of illusion and confusion. It id located on the forehead between the eyebrows. It associates with the Light element and the colour Indigo.

The essential oils that support the healthy functioning of the Third-Eye Chakra are:


Jagrati Anointing Oil

Jagrati, or awakening in Sanskrit, is a blend of essential oils to awaken the soul for the reception and acceptance of enlightenment. Use it as a light body massage oil or worn as a personal essence oil. Jagrati inspires you to see what had been hidden and comprehend what had been out of your grasp. To activate Jagrati, massage into the temples, neck and shoulders. Dab on pulse points to imbue yourself with this divinely floral blend.


Bitter Orange
Orange Blossom Absolute
Palo Santo
Jojoba Oil

Atma-Drishti Diffuser Blend

In Sanskrit, Atma-drishti means the sight or knowledge of the true Self. Take your spiritual quest to greater heights by diffusing Atma-Drishti, a fruity, herbaceous essential oil blend that creates a fresh, vision-expanding atmosphere.


White Grapefruit
Green Mandarin
Petitgrain Mandarin
Peru balsam

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara in Sanskrit, inspires you to liberate your spirit and place it on the path to enlightenment. It helps eliminate obstacles brought about by the influence of samsara, allowing you to break free from the shackles of the material world and reach your highest potential and state of being. Located at the top of the head, it associates with the Thought element and the colour Violet or White or Rainbow.

The essential oils that support the healthy functioning of the Crown Chakra are:

Rose Otto / Rose Absolute

Muktasangah Meditation Oil

In Sanskrit, Mutasangah means to be completely liberated from the ties to the material world. Before meditation, apply 1-2 drops of Muktasangah to the tips of your fingers and massage into the temples. Add one drop under the nose for maximum benefits.


Baobab Oil

Gyaanaavasthita Diffuser Blend

In Sanskrit, Gyaanaavasthita means the transcendental state of being. The aroma of Gyaanaavasthita essential oil blend will elevate and help you transcend through the Crown Chakra.


Sweet Basil
Rose Otto

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